
Friday, March 29, 2024

Crémeux de Bourgogne Triple Cream Cheese

This cheese is perfect right now, great for Easter!
We do not see it very often
From Burgundy, and you know it goes great with Pinot Noir, the grape of Burgundy!
In stock at Forsyth, Kirkwood, New Ballas and Olive Ovation
Crémeux de Bourgogne Triple Cream Cheese...$16.99 / lb
One of the smallest family producers in Burgundy perfected this modern twist on a classic French Triple Crème in 2005. Cremeux marries the silky texture of Brillat-Savarin with the another favorite Delice de Bourgogne. A true cheesemongers Triple-Crème.
The Crémeux de Bourgogne range brings together all our cheese specialities with an inner filling. It is the combination of our triple cream products, such as the Brillat-Savarin, with ingredients selected for their great taste. The cheeses are formed when the white bloom of the rind has not yet set in. It will then take time for the maturing process to unify the cheese and for the rind to cover any filling line still visible on the heel of the cheese.

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