So far...
95 Percentile on RateBeer
Here is some philosophy from their site:
In the past, only hop flowers where used to give taste to beer. In the same manner as wine get’s its taste from the kind op grapes that are used to make it, beer get’s its taste from the kind of hops that are used to make it. But there are some disadvantages to the use of hop flowers:
1. A bad quality of this expensive ingredient quickly leads to bad tastes in the beer. You always have to make sure you are using the best quality.
2. The prices can swing up and down every year.
3. The hops have to be cooled to keep them good for the whole year, which makes it even more expensive.
4. As it is as seasonal product, one can only buy once a year, so you always buy short or too much. If you haven’t got enough, you can’t keep brewing, if you’ve got too much, you’ll have to destroy what’s left.
5. Working with hop flowers takes a lot of cleaning as the hop flowers stick to everything they can after the cooking. Because of this fully automatic production is impossible.