Fusion Napa Valley Verjus Rouge...$12.99 / 750ml

It is made from under ripe grapes and it is alcohol free and can be used on salads instead of vinegar and it is very wine friendly. Vinegar always kills the flavor of wine and it makes it difficult to match a wine with the salad course covered in a vinegar based dressing. Verjus solves this problem.
More info from their site:
"Verjus (pronounced vair-ZHOO) is the tart, fresh juice of unripe wine grapes. It is a culinary ingredient indigenous to the world's wine producing regions that is used in sauce making, for poaching fish and meat, and to dress lettuces, vegetables and fruit. Verjus or "verjuice" as it is sometimes called, literally means green juice in the sense that it's made from fruit that has yet to fully ripen — it's green. It is used to add acidity to foods, an important component in food and in cooking." - Fusion
"Jim Neal, a young chef in California's Napa Valley, entered the verjus business two years ago in partnership with Duckhorn Vineyards, also in Napa, and Marc and Janice Mondavi of the Charles Krug winery. Using a mixture of varietal grapes from the wineries, Mr. Neal bottled white verjus under the Fusion label. This year, he created a red verjus from red and white grapes. Such California chefs as Wolfgang Puck, Gary Danko and Thomas Keller have incorporated Fusion into their menus."
-- New York times
read the full NY Times article
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