Black Bottle Blended Scotch Whisky....$19.99
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"Being ordinary is easy. Just keep your head down, follow the crowd, do as you’re told, never complain and stick to the straight and narrow. Safe, secure, straightforward. Painless, pedestrian and predictable. But dull, deadly dull.
And then there’s Black Bottle, a singular dram that stands up, demands attention and delivers huge chewy mouthfuls of flavour that cannot be ignored. Never reserved for feint praise, it’s adored by the critics, loved across the land and inspires the kind of passionate devotion that can last a lifetime. Ordinary it is not.
Capturing the very essence of Islay in an artful marriage all seven of the island’s classic malts alongside some of the finest grain available, this is a blend to savour. Every sip is a celebration, every glass an occasion, every mouthful is smooth, full-bodied and uncompromising.
Being extraordinary may not be easy, but it’s so much more satisfying. Dare to be different, insist on Black Bottle every time.