500 BC
Humboldt Brewing 500 BC Imperial IPA....$7.49 / 22oz
Limited release
“I’m super proud of this beer. Hope you like it!” -Matt Brynildson, Brewmaster
All of the wonderful hop-driven flavors of Nectar IPA turned up to create a classic DIPA. Big herbal resinous hop flavor with balancing stone fruit notes, round malt middle and assertive hop bitterness in the finish.
This double IPA does everything twice. Double the hops, double the ABV = one heck of a brew. Named for the California coastal redwoods, one of the oldest and tallest living species in America, we think this big brew does these imperial giants justice.
Keeping the Peace: 10 cents from every bottle sold will be donated to redwood preservation efforts.
Hungry? 500 BC goes great with Ricotta cheesecake with ginger crust and salted caramel sauce. Are you drooling yet?
The Lowdown:
Limited Release
Style: Double India Pale Ale/ Imperial IPA
IBUs: 80
ABV: 8.3%
Color: Pours a golden copper color with a thick, effervescent, off-white head
Dry Hopped: Cascade, Chinook, Centennial, CTZ
Can be stored in a cool (50-55°F), dark place to enjoy tomorrow, or years
from now (if you can wait that long)