Been gone for a while, now in cans and fresh
Monty Python's Holy Grail Ale....$6.49 / 4pk Pint Cans
Cult classic and official beer of the Monty Python team.
This brilliant and bold addition to our flock was created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of one of our finest comedic exports - the Monty Python crew!
Years later and Holy Grail is still going strong. With more hops than a killer rabbit, it's a full-flavoured golden ale with a distinctively fruity flavour followed by the Black Sheep signature dry finish. Be warned, this beer has been tempered over burning witches! Only joking.
Paul, is this the imported Yorkshire version or the one made in the US? Do you guys still have access to Black Sheep's stuff (Riggwelter, etc)? Thanks!!
Looks like this one is brewed in Canada. A new local distributor just picked up this importer, so I am assuming we will start seeing more beers fro Black Sheep. I will see if I can find out.
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