Brunetta is a 5% ABV traditional Oud Bruin, or sour brown ale, developed by our brewmaster Phil Leinhart, and the master blenders at our sister brewery, Liefmans, in Oudenaarde, Belgium. Liefmans has been perfecting their blending techniques for more than 300 years, and is renowned for their clean and balanced sour beers.
The Oud Bruin style is known for its playful flirtation between sweet and sour flavors and Brunetta is no exception. “Brunetta is a mild, clean Oud Bruin, well-balanced and with a touch of caramel sweetness from the specialty malts,” says Phil. “It’s been a privilege to brew with Marc Coesens and his talented team at Liefmans. The opportunity to work with our beer brethren is always such an honor.”
Brunetta pours a deep amber-brown with clarity and a tan head with light retention. Aromas of raisin, prune, and sweet malts are followed by subtle hints of lactic sourness. The balanced sweet and sour flavor leads with caramel malt and finishes with a clean, refreshing sourness. Brunetta is medium bodied and moderately dry with a pleasant nutty flavor in the finish.
Brewed with a traditional blend of pilsner, amber, and caramel malts and with minimal hopping, Brunetta’s mixed culture fermentation begins in Liefmans’ open copper vats and continues in stainless tanks for four to eight months. This Oud Bruin’s balanced acidity is a perfect accompaniment to rich dishes like duck confit, chicken liver pâté, all manner of mild cheeses, and NY-style cheese cakes and other mildly sweet desserts.
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