
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Side Project Merci

Get ready for the blending session of a new batch!

Received confirmation from Cory that we will do another blending session of Merci with some of our top BRC members.

We are very thankful for Cory and the Side Project family for allowing us to participate in this event.  It is a behind the scenes on how these special beers are produced.  
You will get to taste a number of barrels at Side Project and blend them!!

This is a very special event that will be limited to top beer BRC customers.
(here is the blog post from a previous session)

We have a date:  March 27th at 6pm.

We will be inviting out top 10 beer customers in the BRC.  Based on beer purchase only from September 7th, 2019 until March 7th at 7pm.  Emails will go out the next day to the top 10 (no guests).   If someone cannot go, we will continue to go down the list until we get out 10.
Invite only.  Emails will go out March 8th or 9th

Thanks for all the support!

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