"The story of Mikkeller is the story of two homebrewers that in a few years went from hobby brewing in the kitchen to national and international recognition...Already in Mikkellers first year as a brewery (2006), the two creators, Mikkel Borg Bjergsø and Kristian Klarup Keller, were named Danish brewery of the year and the fifth best brewery in the world by http://www.ratebeer.com/." -- Mikkeller
"It's Alive! is Mikkellers answer and tribute to the trappist beer Orval. It's Alive is an easy-to-drink beer, with a lot of hops. The colour is amber, the foam is high, white and dense. The potent Brettanomyce culture makes It's Alive continue to develop in the bottle." -- Mikkeller
"A Danish pilsner is typically characterized by an alcohol content of 4,6% vol., piss-yellow colour and a sexless, slightly bitter taste. But it doesn’t have to be like this…! Draft Bear is Mikkellers interpretation of a ’pilsner’, heavyweight-style. With its powerful hop notes, high alcohol content and lovely golden appearance, the only reference to the pilsner style is the clean taste of the lager yeast." -- Mikkeller
Mikkeller Monks Brew...$12.99 / 750ml
Belgian Dark Ale / 10% Alc
"Monk's Elixir is Mikkellers tribute to the great trappist monks of Belgium! The beer is names 'Monk's Brew' in the U.S." -- Rated 96 percentile on http://www.ratebeer.com/
Belgian Dark Ale / 10% Alc
"Monk's Elixir is Mikkellers tribute to the great trappist monks of Belgium! The beer is names 'Monk's Brew' in the U.S." -- Rated 96 percentile on http://www.ratebeer.com/
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