
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cantillon and Firestone Walker Stickee Monkee

These are both expected to arrived this week.  We will use the Beer Reward Club "BRC" (someone suggested we call it the "BREWard Club") to allocate these out.       Will post more details after they arrive.

Firestone Walker Stickee Monkee
A Belgian Quad by recipe, but aging it in spirits barrels garners its own category: Central Coast Quad. A beer formulated to sit on the sweeter and malty side so that we could utilize it for blending. Turbinado brown sugar from Mexico and Belgian candi sugar add wonderful molasses flavors. It has a full body and lush texture with barrel expression all over this beer: toasted oak, coconut, leather and cigar tobacco.

Cantillon Iris
Iris is made in the style of lambic – fermented by wild yeasts and aged in oak wine casks at the brewery – but with a couple of big differences. First, it is made entirely from malted barley, whereas traditional lambic uses one third unmalted wheat. In addition, the brewery has used fresh Hallertau hops in the boil and for dry-hopping the Iris. (Traditional lambic calls for hops that have been aged for several years, which impart virtually no hop flavor to the finished product.)  Iris is a rare and unusual treat to thrill the connoisseur of traditional Belgian beers – absolutely, utterly unique.

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