Translation: Heaven & Earth
Rated 99/100 RateBeer
De Molen/Ron Pattinson SSS Triple Stout...$4.99 / 11.2oz
Rated 97/100 RateBeer
"SSS Triple Stout was a collaborative brew betweenbrewmaster Menno Olivier and beer historian and respected blogger Ron Pattinson. The recipe is Pattinson's recreation of a triple stout from 1914 London. The original was brewed on July 8th 1914 right at World War I was beginning. Pattinson mentions that considering its strength, this original brew of SSS was very large - 230 barrels." -- importer
Made with the most heavily peated malt in the world from the Bruichladdich distillery. Almost pitch black and opaque, small head. Furiously peated aroma, hiding the malt, licorice and dark chocolate somewhat. Very full bodied, thick mouthfeel, like fluid bread. Dark chocolate, loads of peat, lapsang souchong tea, chocolate cake, culminating in an almost endless aftertaste that also has licorice.
Style Imperial Stout
ABV 10%
Style Imperial Stout
ABV 10%

De Molen Tsarina Esra Imperial Porter...$8.99 / 11.2oz
Rated 100/100 Rate Beer (with over 500 ratings)
Imperial Porter is a rather recent style that arose simultaneously in both Europe and North America. In fact it's a stronger version of the Baltic Porters that were brewed in England for export to the Baltic countries. And Baltic Porters are in fact stronger than the regular English Porter. To but it in short: it's more of more. But they cannot be compared to their brothers the Imperial Stouts. They certainly have the same malty character but the heavy roasted malt is absent.
Style Imperial Porter
ABV 11.0%
Rated 100/100 Rate Beer (with over 500 ratings)
Imperial Porter is a rather recent style that arose simultaneously in both Europe and North America. In fact it's a stronger version of the Baltic Porters that were brewed in England for export to the Baltic countries. And Baltic Porters are in fact stronger than the regular English Porter. To but it in short: it's more of more. But they cannot be compared to their brothers the Imperial Stouts. They certainly have the same malty character but the heavy roasted malt is absent.
Style Imperial Porter
ABV 11.0%
De Molen/Ron Pattinson SSS Triple Stout...$4.99 / 11.2oz
Rated 97/100 RateBeer
"SSS Triple Stout was a collaborative brew betweenbrewmaster Menno Olivier and beer historian and respected blogger Ron Pattinson. The recipe is Pattinson's recreation of a triple stout from 1914 London. The original was brewed on July 8th 1914 right at World War I was beginning. Pattinson mentions that considering its strength, this original brew of SSS was very large - 230 barrels." -- importer
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