There are so many great beers available now in St. Louis and we are lucky to receive some great beers in Missouri as our craft scene continues to explode. We already receive some top rated breweries in the world. From's top 20 breweries in the world of 2009 -- Mikkeller (#6), Founders (#7), Struise (#10), Bells (#11), Great Divide (#14), Dieu du Ciel (#16), and Southern Tier (#17) are all currently in our stores.
We have not given up hope on the power of the craft beer scene here in St. Louis.

Three Floyds --

Three Floyds from Munster, Indiana is only distributed in a few states. They have an amazing lineup that includes 4 beers rated in the top 14 beers in the world on and they are currently rated the #1 brewery in the world on
Visit their site and read more about them -- click here
Surly Brewing --
Surly Brewing is currently rated #9 best brewer in the world. Surly Darkness Imperial Stout and Surly Furious IPA are two of their most sought after beers.
Visit their site and read more about them -- click here
Deschutes Brewing --

A great brewery from Oregon that people go through great lengths to get The Abyss Imperial stout along with many others.
Visit their site and read more about them -- click here
Oskar Blues --

Oskar Blues produces great beers all in cans! I got a chance to visit the brewery when I was in Colorado last year and it was an amazing place with amazing beers. People are always asking for Ten Fidy Imperial Stout, Dales Pale and Old Chub.
Visit their website and read more about them -- click here
And a another brewery I would like to see...
If you did not see RateBeer's Top 10 NEW beers of 2009, Cigar City had 4 out of 10!
Cigar City Brewing --
And another small brewery out of Florida I constanly get requests for at the store is Cigar City. They are getting a lot of buzz on the internet and beer sites. They are only in a few states and now would be a great time to get them to come to Missouri as their beer ratings climb up the charts.
1 comment:
We definitely look forward to bringing our beer to MO. True, it won't be in 2010, but that does not indicate any lack of desire on our part, or lack of respect for your great state!
IL has been after us for many years, so ease don't feel slighted that we may be heading there before MO.
Greg Koch, CEO
Stone Brewing Co.
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