
Monday, January 27, 2025

SaturDAYdrinking with Dave: Fun with Amaro

Saturday, February 1st from 12pm-3pm
At the (IN)Famous Bar
Tucked in a corner of The Wine and Cheese Place
7435 Forsyth Blvd, Clayton
We're featuring some of my fave amari this Saturday. Come on by and taste a range of styles and flavor profiles. There might be a cocktail involved as well….

Noveis Amaro Liqueur | Piedmont, IT
Fred Jerbis Amaro 16 | Veneto, IT
Faccia Brutto Amaro Alpino | Brooklyn, NY
Cappelletti Amaro Sfumato Rabarbaro | Trento, IT
Forthave Amaro Marseille | Brooklyn, NY

Lazzaroni Ferro-China Bitter Liqueur | Saronino, Lombardy, IT

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