
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Urban Chestnut Zwickel

Congrats to Urban Chestnut Brewing!
Zwickel was ranked #9 Best beer of 2021!

Urban Chestnut Zwickel
#9 TOP BEERS 2021

“Pure” is a word that doesn't get used too much in the beer space because it really denotes something perfect and can usually be quantified through science or faith. This beer reflects the word, however. To drink this is an experience, a revelation in the glass. It gives the feeling that something special, crafted with care and laser-like precision, is being imbibed. Slightly hazy and deep golden in color, with a lasting fluffy white head that laces the glass, this has an herbal hop aroma, a bready malt character and a contemplative nature. JOHN HOLL
Rated 99/100 The Wine Enthusiast

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