Boulevard Smokestack
Imperial Stout...$11.99 / 750ml
Brewery Description --
Only 11,960 bottles made!
"Like India Pale Ale, Imperial Stout was originally brewed with high levels of alcohol and hops to withstand the rigors of a long sea journey, not to India, but to Imperial Russia and the Baltic States. These beers were exceptionally strong and complex, and were said to age well for as long as seven years. Our not-so-traditional version starts with a huge grain bill featuring several kinds of malted barley, wheat, rye, oats and spelt. Hopping is no less generous, with large portions of Fuggles and Hallertau Magnum, along with Hallertau Perle and Athanum. To enhance the body of the beer, we employ an ancient technique which uses the last runoff from the lautering one brew as mash-in water for the next. During fermentation, Belgian yeast contributes a most uncharacteristic fruitiness and complexity. Finally approximately 10% of the batch is barrel-aged for four months, then blended with fresh beer before bottling. The result is a unique blend of english tradition, Belgian eccentricity, and American ingenuity. Due in part to its strength, our Imperial Stout is an excellent choice for long cellering, so be sure to put a few bottles by for some deferred gratification. And check back with us in seven years or so." -- Boulevard Brewery
11% ABV
FYI - Boulevard Single Wide IPA is scheduled for March 2009
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