Just arrived a few minutes ago. (I had to buy Charcoal at another place yesterday, not the same as the Fire King)
Fire King Lump Charcoal...$9.99 / 20lb bag

Made right here in Missouri.
We think it is the best Charcoal you will ever use. We will be using it at our Beer Fest and BBQ this Saturday.
It burns cleaner and hotter than regular briquets.

So, we have a great smelling charcoal, easy to light, long lasting, virtually no chips and dust in the bag...this charcoal is a great choice. (We wonder if Mike Rowe knew that he was buried in a pile of such fine charcoal, or that all that powdered charcoal he was shoveling was the result of making a great product!) We give it our Recommended rating."
-- nakedwhiz.com, Lump Charcoal database
Reader's Score: 4.47 (55 votes)
5 - Best Ever 31 (56%)
4 - Good Stuff 20 (36%)
3 - So So 3 (5%)
2 - Pretty Bad 1 (2%)
1 - Worst Ever 0 (0%)
1 comment:
Please let me know where Fire King can be found for $9.99 for a 20# bag. I love this stuff and can only find it for $15-$20 a bag.
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