
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tallgrass Velvet Rooster

We are proud to introduce Tallgrass Velvet Rooster

-- in stock at all four of our locations now!!

Tallgrass Velvet Rooster....$9.99 / 4pk 16oz cans

This beer is a Belgian Tripel that lives up to its name. Smooth and carefully crafted like a fine velvet painting, but with an 8.5% ABV this bird has some spurs! The beer pours a golden straw color with brilliant clarity. Topped with a lofty pure white head the beer has a wonderful floral nose, with subtle fruit notes.

The taste is clean and crisp, with subtle fruit notes and a touch of candy like sweetness. The beer has a Champagne-like effervescent that provides a crisp offset to its sweet finish. While a pint glass is always nice, Velvet Rooster would also be at home in a tulip glass or Champagne flute.
Something to crow about.

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