I will post more info when I have time
Shipyard Pugsleys Signature Series Barley Wine 22oz...$9.39

"Barley Wine Style Ale is a big beer made with six different malts (Pale Ale, Crystal, Caramunich, Wheat, Chocolate and Roasted Barley) and balanced with a very full hop charge of Summit, Challenger and Fuggles hops. It is a deep reddish brown color with a complex fruity nose, a very full body, and an interesting balance between grains and hops which ends with a pleasing dry taste. To fully enjoy all the flavors, this ale is best drunk at 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 8.5% alcohol by volume." -- brewery
Shipyard Pugsleys Signature Series Imperial Porter 22oz...$9.39
"Imperial Porter is a full bodied, very dark, malty beer with a good roasted character coming from the Crystal, Chocolate and Black Patent Malts used in the mash. Warrior, English Fuggles, and East Kent Goldings Hops balance the malts with a good hop bite. The beer has an OG of 1.070, rounding out after fermentation with just a slight residual sweetness and cutting dry at the finish. 7.1% alcohol by volume." -- brewery
Altenmunster Winterbier Doppelbock Pint
D.Carnegie Stark Porter 2006
J.K. Scrumpy's Hard Organic Cider
Etienne Dupont Cidre Bouche Brut 2007