I see, the first review on RateBeer for the
Schlafly / TWCP Bourbon Barrel Quad -- has arrived!
AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 8/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 17/20Sampled at STL RB Gathering - First rating for this gem. Pours tawny brown/bronze with an off-white head. The aroma has rich caramel, toffee, vanilla, heavy toast, richness and smooth alcohol. Medium / full body that’s quite slick and sticky with semi-soft carbonation. The flavor starts out with the aroma traits, but smoother with a lot of caramel, toffee and vanilla with nice warming alcohol. The finish has a nice warmth to it. The barrel aging seems to add toffee and vanilla to it and someone makes the alcohol more subdued and not as hot as the non-barrel aged version. Very well done with great results here.
The first review makes it up on BeerAdvocate now!
Reviews |
4.38/5 rDev 0% look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4.5 Schlafly Bourbon Barrel Quad - one of the 204 bottles brewed by Schlafly and aged in a Buffalo Trace Barrel for The Wine and Cheese Place in Clayton, MO. This was served side by side with the regular version A - pours a copperish dirty brown color, though it is lighter than the regular quad. An off white colored head sits atop it. S - sweet molasses, butterscotch, and vanilla rise out of the glass and into my nose. T - starts off with sweet caramel malts that quickly get pushed aside by some sweet butterscotch and molasses flavors. Some bourbon is accompanied by a lot of vanilla. Really nice! M - creamy, smooth, with a little lighter body than the regular version D - this is a damned good beer from Schlafly. The barrel aging did wonders for this beer. I was really glad to have this side by side with the regular; the two were almost indistinguishable from one another. Not to knock the regular quad, but this one is far superior. Thankfully I was able to get a bottle because I am really looking forward to revisiting this one. In the line up that was tasted last night this was one of the top beers I had, which says a lot. Serving type: bottle Reviewed on: 02-19-2012 03:50:12 |
Also some "reviews" on STLHops.com
jimmyr78 |
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