Actually 1 got shorted, the Cascade did not show up.
So we have 9 out 10 in stock now!!!

Mikkeller continues his series if IPAs using a single hop variety.
We now have 9 of the 10 different hops in stock now at Forsyth. This is a great study on beer, the base of the beer is exactly the same recipe -- the only difference is the hop used!
Here are the ingredients in all of them:
Water, malts (pilsner, cara-crystal and munich), hops (insert singe hop here) and yeast
Rated 96/100 RateBeer
"American aroma-type variety bred in 1974 and released in 1990. Similar to Cascade and Chinook. One of the "Three Cs" along with Cascade and Columbus." -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Chinook Single Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 93/100 RateBeer
"American cross between Petham Golding and a USDA-selected male. Slightly spicy and very piney. Substitutes: Bittering - Eroica, Galena, Nugget. Aroma/Flavor - Southern Cross, Sticklebract." -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Nugget Single Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 88/100 RateBeer
"Floral, resiny aroma and flavor. Primarily a bittering hop. Substitutes: Galena, Olympic." -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller East Kent Golding Single Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 64/100 RateBeer
"The traditional and very popular English aroma hop. Developed prior to 1790. Widely cultivated. Called East Kent Goldings if grown in East Kent, Kent Goldings if grown in mid-Kent, and Goldings if grown elsewhere. Tend to have a smooth, sweet flavor. Any type of Goldings will work in place of another (Styrian Goldings for East Kent Goldings, e.g.)" -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Tomahawk Single Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 94/100 RateBeer "Columbus: A high yielding, high alpha acid American bittering hop. Also known by the trade name Tomahawk. One of the "Three Cs" along with Cascade and Centennial. Like the others it is citrusy and slightly woody. Substitutes: Bittering - Nugget, Chinook. Aroma/flavor - Cascade, Centennial" -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Amarillo Single Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 97/100 RateBeer
"Popular American mid-range alpha variety developed by Virgil Gamache Farms in late 20th century. Also known as VGX001, its strain number." -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Nelson Sauvin Single Hop IPA....$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 97/100 on RateBeer
"A new variety developed in Nelson, New Zealand. Named with more than a nod towards the Sauvignon Blanc grape." -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Cascade Single Hop IPA...did not show upRated 93/100 on RateBeer
"Very successful and well-established American aroma hop developed by Oregon State University's breeding program in 1956 from Fuggle and Serebrianker (a Russian variety), but not released for cultivation until 1972. Gives the distinct citrus/grapefruit aroma to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. One of the "Three Cs" along with Centennial and Columbus. Named for the Cascade Range. " -- Wikipedia
Mikkeller Warrior Sinlge Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2oz
Rated 92/100 on RateBeer
"New American bittering hop, popular with growers and brewers." - Wikipedia
Mikkeller Simcoe Single Hop IPA...$5.29 / 11.2 oz
Rated 98/100 RateBeer
"American high alpha variety released in 2000. Used for both bittering and imparting a distinct aroma/flavour as a late addition." -- Wikipedia