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Ommegang Cooperstown Ale...$10.99 / 4pk
Baseball and beer. Few things are more ingrained in America's psyche than baseball and beer. The histories of both are laden with traditions and transcendence. Rascals and radicals. Celebration and shared experience. Treasured summertime moments with sun on our faces and a beer in our hands. The timeless game defines our past and guides our future.
Lightly golden-straw hue with a lasting thick, white head. Aromas of sweet malt, floral with slight citrus are followed by delicate herbal notes. Faintly sweet giving way to mellow, lightly floral hop flavor and notes of banana and pears from our signature house yeast. Nicely balanced with a clean herbal-hopped finish makes this an enjoyably, quaffable ale.
Ommegang Fleur de Houblon...$10.99 / 4pk
Nothing is more evocative of summer than the beautiful aroma of flowers, and the favored flowers of brewers are hops. Our brand new summer ale, Fleur de Houblon (Hop Flowers), is brewed to bring the many elements of summer into a refreshing and easy-to-drink Belgian-style ale.
Fleur de Houblon is a rich gold color with distinct floral hops in the aroma that follow through in the taste. Whole-cone Bravo hops are used to impart their earthy, fruity, and floral aromas and flavors. The body and flavor are clean and dry, with pleasing complexity and spicy notes from both primary and secondary fermentation with our unique Ommegang house yeast.

Ommegang Glimmerglass Spring Saison...$10.99 / 4pk
Author James Fenimore Cooper gave the name 'Glimmerglass' to the beautiful body of water that graces Cooperstown. Nestled between gentle mountains, it reflects any object held up to it, just as it reflects our joy at the arrival of each spring.
Deep straw to light amber in color with a thick, pure white head. The saison yeast strain gives off fruity aromas of pear, apple and slight citrus balanced with a delicate floral hop character and a touch of spiciness. Taste is very clean, with pronounced fruit flavors, delicate bready malt followed by welcomed spicing. Crisp finish with lingering yet subtle notes of yeast and touches of fruity pepper.
5.4% ABV
Ommegang Rare VOS...$10.99 / 4pk
Rare Vos is flemmish for "Sly Fox," and the name of one of Brussels’ great cafes. It has a sweetly fruity malt character and yeasty spiciness. A fine dose of yeast permits the beer to mature and mellow in the bottle.