ABV: 5.00%
COLOR: Very light with a fine white head
TASTE: Crisp Wit beer with a sour finish.
Wittekerke Wild
A beer to blow your mind and refresh your soul.
Harvest.......The wild idea to use the microflora derived from the Petrus Oak foeders into another beer has never seen before. Through a new technique at Brewery De Brabandere they are able to harvest those wild yeasts and bacteria that live on the inside of the oak foeders .
Unleash.......By unleashing the microflora into Wittekerke, their sessional wit beer, a unique refreshment is created. A wild idea in first fermentation.
The refinement and refreshment of Wittekerke Wit united with the harvested and unleashed wild yeast and bacteria, results in a unique balance of wit beer and sour aromas. This ultra-flavoured and refreshing session beer is easily accessible for everyone … and demands for more than one!
Wittekerke Wild, The Ultimate Sour Refreshment!
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