
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lakefront Pumpkin Lager

Lakefront Brewery Pumpkin Lager...$9.49 / 6pk
Lakefront Brewery's Pumpkin Lager is one of the only pumpkin lager available in the world; nearly all other pumpkin beers are ales. Using real pumpkin and a proprietary blend of spices made here in Milwaukee for us by the acclaimed Spice House, our brewers lager this beer for 4 full weeks. This extra time gives the Lakefront Pumpkin Lager a deep, smooth richness that no ale can match. A frothy entry leads to an off-dry medium-to-full body of intense cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and candied yam flavor on a nutty wheat toast palate. Finishes with a drier spice and light toffee fade. Caramel and Munich malts reinforce this beer's mouthfeel and lend to the malty sweetness. A nicely balanced spice beer for those cool fall nights. 

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