
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wiseacre Adjective Animal Double IPA

Wiseacre Adjective Animal Double Dry Hopped IPA...$11.99 / 6pk 12oz cans
Adjective Animal is dry hopped twice, in two different vessels, along with a great wasteful pile of hops in the kettle and a huge tongue beating heap of hops in the whirlpool. This is as hop forward as we get. Orange, tangerine, papaya, pine, grapefruit, and mango shall waft forth. Very tropical. Nugzilla, Citra, Falconers Flight, and Centennial hops perfection. Grumpy Giraffe, Funny Ferret, Sophisticated Owl, Ostentatious Ocelot, Cantankerous Coatimundi…you know the drill

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