
Sunday, May 16, 2021

District Made Whiskey!

District Made Straight Bourbon Whiskey...$35.99
47.5% ABV
Sometimes the right ingredient makes all the difference. In a world seemingly always looking for the next culinary trend, our bourbon looks to an ingredient from the past, namely Hickory King Corn. Developed in the 1880s in the hollows of Virginia, the large white kernels of Hickory King quickly became highly prized for grits and hominy and shortly thereafter for its highest calling: whiskey. District Made Bourbon is the first bourbon made from grain to glass in DC since Prohibition, and we strive to produce a bourbon worthy of that distinction. Ours is a four-grain bourbon that deftly balances the sweetness typical of bourbon with a complexity derived from diverse secondary grains and malts.
A drier flavor profile than many bourbons, carrying a gentle, buttery sugar quality without the cloyingly sweet characteristics that have come to define bourbon. Ours carries a bold kick of spice that’s sure to stand out in your favorite cocktail.

District Made Straight Rye Whiskey...$35.99
47% ABV
Rye holds a prominent place in the agricultural history of the Mid-Atlantic region and was even a significant crop for George Washington at Mount Vernon. Washington was smart enough to distill most of his estate grown rye and went on to have the largest distillery in the country at the time of his death in 1799. After a long hiatus, we're proud to have released the first rye whiskey distilled and bottled in the District since Prohibition and to bring this signature terroir back to our region. We put our own spin on this classic spirit by using a large portion of malted rye in the mash bill, which helps this whiskey appeal to a wide range of drinkers. It is smooth enough to sip neat or on the rocks, while being assertive enough to stand out in your favorite cocktail.

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