
Friday, October 9, 2015

BRC Update - BRC member please read

Just found out today,. our the new POS people could not transfer BRC purchasing history.

We go live with the new POS system on MONDAY. Your names and accounts will be transferred, but not your history.

So, Saturday before we shut down the old system, I will print the 6 month reports on BRC and we will use those for any releases that surface in October until probably November 20. Then after that, I will use a combo of the two until December 15th.  Part from the old 6 month report and part from the new report from the first month.   Eventually transitioning into the new POS report completely after 2-3 months when people have built up their history.

So I want to be straight forward and clear....
The gamble on your part, do you want to get your points on the old report or the new report?  
If you want it on the old report that we will use for the next month and a half, you need to purchase before 7pm on Saturday.

This month we are supposed to see a 4 Hands Imperial Stout aged in a special barrel, we are supposed to see 3 Side Project Beers soon.  Cory mentioned mid-November possibly on a few beers.


  1. A fresh start for anyone, but it will only take 2 months for it all to fall back into place.
