
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stone R&R Coconut IPA and Stone Anniversary Ale 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung IPA

In stock now at Forsyth, New Ballas and online

Stone R&R Coconut IPA...$6.59
ALC/VOL: 7.7%
IBUS: 90

Originally dreamt up by homebrewers Robert Masterson and Ryan Reschan, who earned themselves the top prize in our 2013 American Homebrewers Association homebrewing contest, this innovative beer marks a refreshing sea change for IPA lovers everywhere. It was brewed with 280 pounds of coconut and an unusual blend of hop varieties, including a few from faraway lands or just brand spankin' new, and is guaranteed to taste like no IPA that's gone before. Prepare yourself for a tropical breeze of a brew that will lull you to a place of tranquil contentment for a little R & R.

BREWERS: Robert Masterson & Ryan Reschan Homebrewers
Paul Sangster and Guy Shobe of Rip Current Brewing, San Marcos, CA
& Mitch Steele of Stone Brewing Co., Escondido, CA

Stone Anniversary Ale 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung IPA...$5.59 / 22oz
IBUs: 102 ABV: 9.5%
Our latest anniversary beer, starring an all-German cast of malt and hops, is yet one more glorious example of a Stone IPA brewed outside the box. Our brewers have brought their experiments with German hops to fruition, leaving convention behind to create this hefty IPA entirely with pilsner malts. These provide a superbly crisp mouthfeel, while a unique mix of noble and new-school hop varieties adds layers of bright, bitter flavors. Despite the daunting name, this beer isn't designed to bring about the end of the world, but it just might destroy some of your preconceived notions of what an IPA can be.

Tasting Notes By Brewmaster Mitch Steele

Appearance:  Pours deep gold and brilliantly crystal clear with an off-white colored head of foam.
Aroma:  Focused on hoppy, with herbal and stone fruit hop aromatics.
Taste: European hops-herbal, floral, spicy, peppery and resiny, balanced by very clean, intensely bitter, beautiful subtle malt flavors, and just a hint of alcohol.
Palate:  Crisp and bitter. A very refreshing beer; well suited for the summer!
Overall:  A very fun beer for us to brew. Through a series of intense dry-hopping trials that we have been running over the past couple of years, we found several newer German hop varieties that we thought were unique and different from the citrusy American hops and fruity New Zealand hops that we have been using so much of this year. An interesting twist on a Double IPA (a German IPA, perhaps?), brewed with malts and hops traditionally used to brew German lagers and European pilsners. Some of the hops we included in this recipe include Strisselspalt, which has long been one of my favorite noble hops, with a delicate floral character and hints of citrus; Sterling, a US-bred hop with Saaz heritage, and is a hop we haven't used much before, but we just love the intense resiny and spicy pure hop flavor; Herkules, a newer high-alpha German hop variety with intense stone fruit and tropical fruit characteristics; and Hersbrucker, a classic German aroma hop with intense floral and stone fruit flavors.

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