
Friday, December 11, 2009

RJ Rockers

Order RJ Rockers online.

This sounds very intriguing -- in stock at Forsyth...

RJ Rockers Black Perle Ale....$8.49 / 22oz

Only 200 cases made

"Ninety Minute Octo-Hopped IPA"

"It was "octo-hopped" with eight hop additions in a ninety-minute boil, averaging over 1.5 lbs/barrel. Very thick, very chocolatey with a hint of coffee at the end."

"In the late 17th Century the honourable East India Company lost one of its ships on a return voyage from the Indies. The flagship, The Harvester, was attacked by Malay Pirates and sank beneath the swells and into darkness. It is sad that The Harvester was carrying a strange and wondrous cargo known to the company as Black Perle. This once lost treasure has now risen from the depths allowing the world to discover its mystery." -- label

"In a concept that would make Alfred Hitchcock and Rod Serling proud, Johnsen is about to launch the first beer in his Ales from the Dark Side line -- a series of hand-crafted dark brews produced in limited quantity and geared toward discriminating craft-beer enthusiasts.

The first release in the series will be a beer called Black Perle Dark India Pale Ale (IPA), which weighs in at 9.5 percent alcohol by volume. It is named after the variety of German bittering hop -- Perle -- which was added five times during the liquid's unusually long 90-minute boil, thus extracting all the bittering qualities of the hop. Three other additions of the Cascade variety hop also were implemented during production.

In total, about 500 ounces of hops and more than 2,300 pounds of five varieties of malt were used in the one-time, 25-barrel (775-gallon) batch.

Hoppy like a traditional American-style IPA, Black Perle has the black color and chocolate notes of a stout without the thick, chewy body, and its moderate-to-heavy bitter finish helps hide the high alcohol level.

"This is the perfect holiday beer," Johnsen said. "It's designed almost specifically to enjoy with a friend, at home, while not operating any heavy machinery. It's not a go home after work and grab a few beers (type brew). This is a one and done." --

Also arriving tomorrow...

RJ Rockers The First Snow Ale...$10.99
"This hearty American pale ale contains a rich blend of spices that warms the soul on a cold winter's night. Chill the mug, stoke the fire, and savor this quality seasonal brew. Available only during the Winter season." -- brewery

6.0% abv

From a previous post: more info about RJ Rockers and a few other beers we stock--
RJ Rockers is a small brewery that only distribute in 5 states!

"RJ Rockers has been around for over 10 years now. Mark Johnsen is the founder and brew master who has made all the magic happen since the beginning. It all began as a brew pub in 1997 in downtown Spartanburg. In 2003 the brewery was moved to become the first microbrewery in Spartanburg. Since then RJ Rockers has grown to cover South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, DC, and Maryland." -- brewery

"Our slogan is HANDCRAFTED. EVERY BEER. EVERY DROP. EVERY TIME. And we aren't kidding either. Mark makes every batch with his own hands in our facility. He knows exactly what goes into the beer, and it is quality ingredients. He cares about what he makes." -- brewery

RJ Rockers Bell Ringer...$10.99 / 6pk

"Our high gravity offering weighs in at 8.5% abv and is delightfully loaded with malt and hops. This is an ale worthy of your sturdiest goblet or most treasured stein. Ring it!" -- brewery

RJ Rockers Son of a Peach...$8.79 / 6pk

An unfiltered American wheat ale made with real mean peaches. The only thing missing is the fuzz. Savor the anger. Available during the late Spring and Summer months

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