
Friday, January 8, 2010

Tin Mill from Missouri

Tin Mill Brewery
Herman Missouri, just released another package beer...

Tin Mill Dopplbock...$7.99 / 6pk
“A full-bodied dark beer with a malty aroma and a well-balanced blend of roasted malts and hops.”
Typically a winter beer, due to its popularity, we have been brewing Doppelbock all year long. We hand roast the malts in small batches for a heartier flavor. This full-bodied beer is for beer drinkers who want to experience everything a beer has to offer.
Food Pairings — Our dark Doppelbock stands up to your heartiest beef stews, pot roasts, and winter meals. Serve it after dinner with a chocolate or coffee flavored dessert. Even make a milkshake or “Dopplebock” float with it.
Brewermaster Note — The malt used in our Dopplebock is roasted just like a coffee bean. I love it with chocolate or any dessert. Beats coffee for an evening night cap." -- Tin Mill

Plus the previous releases in stock now...
Tin Mill Hefe-Weizen...$7.49 / 6pk
“An unfiltered wheat beer with a blend of sweetness and wheat flavor followed by a dry finish.”
Another year round favorite, Hefe-Weizen is an unfiltered wheat beer bursting with unique flavors. You may pick up hints of clove, banana and even a little vanilla. Cloudier than our other beers because it is unfiltered, our Hefe-Weizen’s low bitterness level allows all its flavors to shine.
Food Pairings — A simple classic with warm pretzel bread and dark mustard, Unfiltered Hefe-Weizen also goes nicely with fried food or tempura without overwhelming the flavors. Pair it with fried shrimp, chicken, soft-shell crab, or viener schnitzel for a feast.
Brewermaster Note — We use 60% German Wheat in our Hefe-Weizen. Most US Wheat Beers use only 10 to 40% wheat. Missouri law calls for 25% wheat in a wheat beer; no problem here." -- Tin Mill

Plus the original....
Tin Mill Skyscraper Beer...$7.49 / 6pks
“A premium German Style Pilsner with a mild malt flavor and a clean, crisp finish.”
Available year round, Skyscraper is a premium German style pilsner with a mild malt flavor and a clean crisp finish. Made with all barley and no rice or corn, Skyscraper beer is cold lagered for nearly 6 weeks.
Food Pairings —Light, clean and crisp, Skyscraper pairs perfectly with mild creamy cheeses, salty chips and light appetizers. For the main course, enjoy it with grilled chicken or fish to balance but not overwhelm the flavors of the meal.
Brewmaster Notes —Our cold, slow lagering process is used by only a handful of small brewers in the United States. If you are ready to try a crisp, clean beer that epitomizes the German style of brewing, this is the one. "
-- Tin Mill

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